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Agoran Theses

The documents below were submitted by players of the game Agora Nomic to their peers for the purpose of receiving Agoran degrees. The exact types of degrees available and process of granting degrees has varied over the years, so interested parties may want to dig deeper for a fuller picture on any single degree.

Note that when an HTML and a TXT is provided, the HTML is a subjective rendering by the Herald. The TXT is the most "legitimate" copy of the original document available, but many appear to be artifacted or malformed from their actual original.

Title Author Link(s) Date Degree Earned
Round 9/History Trigon Webpage 2022-02-10 None
The Most Influential Agoran Janet Webpage 2021-04-25 D. of Nomic Science
Untitled set of three images Madrid One, Two, and Three 2020-08-02 A. of Nomic Arts
On the Continuity of the Agoran Judicial System G. HTML | TXT 2020-06-10 J.D. of Nomic
Letter to an Anti-Scamster:</br>On the Importance of Loopholes in Agoran Culture Kate HTML | TXT 2020-02-08 A. of Nomic
The Very Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen Aspen HTML | TXT 2020-01-27 A. of Nomic Arts
Ruleset Thesis Janet Webpage 2019-11-06 M. of Nomic
A dream within a dream within a dream Falsifian HTML | TXT 2019-07-22 J.D. of Nomic
Untitled Alexis HTML | TXT 2017-11-17 A. of Nomic
Actions in Nomic Publius Scribonius Scholasticus HTML | TXT 2017-05-27 Drafted, Never Submitted
A Multi-Tiered, Multi-Controlled Currency Systems G. HTML | TXT 2017-05-23 A. of Nomic
On contradictions arising from assuming that winning by escape velocity ends the game thimblefox HTML | TXT 2014-02-15 None
JUDGE'S ARGUMENTS AND EVIDENCE ON CFJ 3381 </br>or, what logic do the rules follow anyway? ais523 HTML | TXT 2013-08-24 D. of Nomic Philosophy
A History of Agoran Wins, 2009-Present ais523 HTML | TXT 2010-08-10 None
The Propositional Nomic Alexis HTML | TXT 2009-11-23 B. of Nomic (P)
Untitled ais523 HTML | TXT 2009-04-29 M. of Nomic
Untitled Murphy HTML | TXT 2007-12-08 B. of Nomic
Prolegomena to the Study of Early Agoran History: Part II Vlad HTML | TXT 1999-01-21 D. of Nomic History (U)
Prolegomena to the Study of Early Agoran History: Part I Vlad HTML | TXT 1999-XX-XX D. of Nomic History (U)
Metagaming or Roleplaying - two Approaches to Playing Nomic Kolja HTML | TXT 1998-XX-XX B. of Nomic (P)
The concept of a 'rule change' in Suber's Initial Ruleset Steve Gardner HTML | TXT 1997-XX-XX B. of Nomic or D. of Nomic Philosophy (I)
Mousetrap S. Andrew Swann HTML | TXT 1996-XX-XX D. of Nomic History (P)
A case of problematic precedence Andre HTML | TXT 1996-11-13 Unknown
Agora Nomic: Recent History Jeffrey Caruso (elJefe) HTML | TXT Late 1994 to early 1995 B. of Nomic (P)
Pragmatism and Platonism: Two Approaches to Nomic Don "Vanyel" Blaheta HTML | TXT Unknown B. of Nomic (P)
Breaking the Rules Steve Gardner HTML | TXT Unknown B. of Nomic or D. of Nomic Philosophy (I)
A Completely Formal Nomic favor HTML | TXT Unknown B. of Nomic (P)

(P) - Presumed, as this is the only known thesis by this author that is not associated with another degree, and e is recorded as having this degree.

(U) - Unclear, this author has multiple theses but only one degree.

(I) - Indeterminate, author has both degrees but it has not been determined which is a result of which thesis.

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