PROPOSAL 8416 (Identity theft protection act v1.1) AUTHOR: Falsifian CLASS: DEMOCRATIC FOR (12): ATMunn, Aris, Falsifian, G., Janet, Kate, Madrid, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, R. Lee, Tcbapo, Trigon$, nix AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 12 AI (F/A): 37/0 (AI=3.1) POPULARITY: 1.000 OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ Kate: Endorsement of G. Tcbapo: Endorsement of R. Lee ] Resolved at: ID: 8416 Title: Identity theft protection act v1.1 Adoption index: 3.1 Author: Falsifian Co-authors: G., Publius Scribonius Scholasticus Amend Rule 2141 by replacing the text Rules have ID numbers, to be assigned by the Rulekeepor. with Every rule shall have an ID number, distinct among current and former rules, to be assigned once by the Rulekeepor. [Comment: this version is designed to prevent the Rulekeepor from assigning the same ID to two rules in addition to the protection against changing IDs.]