RESOLUTION OF PROPOSALS 9211-9213 ================================= THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED REPORT. SOME INFORMATION MAY DIFFER FROM THE HISTORICAL REPORT. THE ASSESSMENT SENT TO THE PUBLIC FORUM IS THE DEFINITIVE SOURCE OF HISTORICAL INFORMATION. The official historical report is located at ID Title Result ------------------------------------------- 9211 De-Convoluting Mooting v1.1 ADOPTED 9212 Incentives REJECTED 9213 Twice the pride ADOPTED I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals. The quorum for all below decisions was 6. VOTING STRENGTHS ================ Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted. #: player has voting strength 3 $: player has voting strength 4 %: player has voting strength 5 ^: player has voting strength 6 PROPOSALS ========= PROPOSAL 9211 (De-Convoluting Mooting v1.1) AUTHOR: Kate CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (8): 4st, Janet^, Kate%, Mischief^, Murphy^, ais523%, juan%, kiako$ AGAINST (0): PRESENT (1): snail^ BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 40/0 (AI=1.7) POPULARITY: 0.889 OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ juan: Kate is the Arbitor: Endorsement of Kate kiako: Kate is the Arbitor: Endorsement of Kate ] PROPOSAL 9212 (Incentives) AUTHOR: Mischief CLASS: DEMOCRATIC FOR (5): 4st, Kate, Mischief, ais523, snail AGAINST (2): Janet, kiako PRESENT (2): Murphy, juan BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 15/6 (AI=3.0) POPULARITY: 0.333 OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 9213 (Twice the pride) AUTHOR: Murphy CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (7): 4st, Kate%, Mischief^, Murphy^, ais523%, juan%, kiako$ AGAINST (1): snail^ PRESENT (1): Janet^ BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 34/6 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 0.667 OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ Mischief: juan is the Absurdor: Endorsement of juan kiako: juan is the Absurdor: Endorsement of juan ] The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 9211 Title: De-Convoluting Mooting v1.1 Adoption index: 1.7 Author: Kate Co-authors: Mischief Amend Rule 911, "Motions and Moots", by replacing the following text: If a judgement has been in effect for less then seven days and has not been entered into Moot, then: - The judge of that CFJ CAN self-file a Motion to Reconsider the case by announcement, if e has not already self-filed a Motion to Reconsider that CFJ. - Any Player CAN group-file a Motion to Reconsider the case with 2 support, if the CFJ has not had a Motion to Reconsider group-filed for it at any time while it has been assigned to its current judge. When a Motion to Reconsider is so filed, the case is rendered open again. If a CFJ has a judgement assigned, a player CAN enter that judgement into Moot with N+2 support, where N is the number of weeks since that judgement has been assigned, rounded down. with: The judge of a CFJ CAN by announcement self-file a Motion to Reconsider it, if its most recent judgement has been in effect for less than seven days. Any player CAN with 2 support group-file a Motion to Reconsider a case, if its most recent judgement had been in effect for less than seven days at the time the intent was tabled. The above notwithstanding, it is IMPOSSIBLE to file a Motion to Reconsider a CFJ whose current judgement has been entered into Moot, or that has already had a Motion to Reconsider filed against it by the same method since it was most recently assigned to a judge. When a Motion to Reconsider a case is filed, the case is rendered open again. If a CFJ has a judgement assigned, a player CAN enter that judgement into Moot with N+2 support, where N is the number of weeks from the time the judgement was assigned to the time the intent was tabled, rounded down. COMMENTS: This is attempting to fix the support requirement for Moots so that it can be predicted at the time the intent is tabled. Currently, it's dependent on the age of the judgement at the time the intent is *resolved*, so at the time it's tabled there are several possible values - and each must be intended individually, because the support requirement has to be explicitly stated at the time the intent is tabled. For consistency, I changed the support requirement for Motions to Reconsider in the same way (even though this is not troublesome as-is). ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 9213 Title: Twice the pride Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Murphy Co-authors: Amend Rule 2683 (The Boulder) by replacing the paragraph beginning "Each player CAN," with this text: The Boulder's Slope is a singleton integer switch defaulting to 1, tracked by the Absurdor. Each player CAN, once a week, by announcement, push the boulder. When a player pushes the Boulder, its Height is increased by 1. At the beginning of each week, if the boulder was pushed in the previous week at least as many times as the Boulder's Slope, then the Boulder's Slope is increased by 1; otherwise, the Boulder's Height is set to 0, and the Boulder's Slope is set to 1. The Absurdor SHOULD list the largest Height and Slope of the Boulder ever reached in eir report. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////