RESOLUTION OF PROPOSALS 9202-9210 ================================= THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED REPORT. SOME INFORMATION MAY DIFFER FROM THE HISTORICAL REPORT. THE ASSESSMENT SENT TO THE PUBLIC FORUM IS THE DEFINITIVE SOURCE OF HISTORICAL INFORMATION. The official historical report is located at ID Title Result --------------------------------------------- 9202 Track Assets ADOPTED 9203 A clarification ADOPTED 9204 Rare stamps, more differently ADOPTED 9205 Switch It Up ADOPTED 9206 Let Contracts Own Stamps ADOPTED 9207 (n/a) REJECTED 9208 Destroy the Office ADOPTED 9209 Goblins? REJECTED 9210 Gnomes? REJECTED I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals. The quorum for all below decisions was 5. VOTING STRENGTHS ================ Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted. #: player has voting strength 3 $: player has voting strength 4 %: player has voting strength 5 ^: player has voting strength 6 PROPOSALS ========= PROPOSAL 9202 (Track Assets) AUTHOR: Murphy CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (7): 4st, Janet^, Kate%, Mischief^, Murphy^, ais523%, snail^ AGAINST (0): PRESENT (2): juan%, sprock BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 37/0 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 0.778 OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 9203 (A clarification) AUTHOR: Janet CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (9): 4st, Janet^, Kate%, Mischief^, Murphy^, ais523%, juan%, snail^, sprock AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 45/0 (AI=2.0) POPULARITY: 1.000 OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 9204 (Rare stamps, more differently) AUTHOR: Janet CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (5): 4st, Janet^, Mischief^, Murphy^, snail^ AGAINST (2): Kate%, ais523% PRESENT (2): juan%, sprock BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 27/10 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 0.333 OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ Murphy: Mischief is the Collector: Endorsement of Mischief ] PROPOSAL 9205 (Switch It Up) AUTHOR: Mischief CLASS: DEMOCRATIC FOR (7): 4st, Kate, Mischief, Murphy, juan, snail, sprock AGAINST (0): PRESENT (2): Janet, ais523 BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 21/0 (AI=3.0) POPULARITY: 0.778 OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ Janet: Endorsement of ais523 ] PROPOSAL 9206 (Let Contracts Own Stamps) AUTHOR: Mischief CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (7): 4st, Kate%, Mischief^, Murphy^, ais523%, juan%, sprock AGAINST (1): Janet^ PRESENT (1): snail^ BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 33/6 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 0.667 OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 9207 ((n/a)) AUTHOR: 4st CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (2): 4st, juan% AGAINST (7): Janet^, Kate%, Mischief^, Murphy^, ais523%, snail^, sprock PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 8/37 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: -0.556 OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 9208 (Destroy the Office) AUTHOR: 4st CLASS: DEMOCRATIC FOR (6): 4st, Janet, Kate, Mischief, ais523, juan AGAINST (1): snail PRESENT (2): Murphy, sprock BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 18/3 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 0.556 OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ Murphy: Geologist is vacant: Inextricable juan: Endorsement of 4st ] PROPOSAL 9209 (Goblins?) AUTHOR: 4st CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (4): 4st, Mischief^, Murphy^, juan% AGAINST (4): Janet^, Kate%, ais523%, snail^ PRESENT (1): sprock BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 20/22 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 0.000 OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 9210 (Gnomes?) AUTHOR: 4st CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (4): 4st, Mischief^, Murphy^, juan% AGAINST (4): Janet^, Kate%, ais523%, snail^ PRESENT (1): sprock BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 20/22 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 0.000 OUTCOME: REJECTED The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 9202 Title: Track Assets Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Murphy Co-authors: Amend Rule 2692 (Bang!) by replacing "Bangs are a fungible asset." with "Bangs are an untracked fungible asset." Retitle Rule 2603 (Switch Responsibility) to "Default Recordkeepors", and amend it by replacing "switch" with "switch or asset". [Unchanged from proto. Encourages assets intended to be untracked to be explicitly labeled as such, otherwise materializes an officer, both in the same fashion as switches.] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 9203 Title: A clarification Adoption index: 2.0 Author: Janet Co-authors: ais523 Amend Rule 991 ("Calls for Judgement") by appending the following to the first paragraph: "A case so initiated is an inquiry case." ["inquiry case" is a historical term used for a CFJ on the truth of a statement. It has a few remaining uses in the rules. Defining it here removes any ambiguity and helps answer a question that has been asked multiple times by newer players. This is careful to not redefine "CFJ" itself, which might affect past CFJs.] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 9204 Title: Rare stamps, more differently Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Janet Co-authors: Amend Rule 2701 ("Stamp Scamp") to read, in whole: { A rare stamp is a stamp that is the only one of its type that exists. Stamp scamp is a singleton switch tracked by the Collector with possible values of each player and null (default). Upon a correct announcement that a specified player owns more rare stamps than any other player, the stamp scamp switch is flipped to that player. If no person has done so by this mechanism in this quarter, the value of the stamp scamp switch, if a player, CAN by announcement cause another specified player to gain one stamp of that player's type. } If exactly one player holds the patent title of Stamp Scamp, the stamp scamp switch is hereby flipped to that player. The patent title "Stamp Scamp" is hereby revoked from each player that holds it. [Switches are the standard way to track state like this. We shouldn't use a patent title for this. The current Herald is not actually reporting, so it will not actually be tracked; the Herald's report should be used for historical matters, not (new) ephemera; and it will hand out violet ribbons for very little reason.] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 9205 Title: Switch It Up Adoption index: 3.0 Author: Mischief Co-authors: Janet [This explicitly allow contracts to define switches. They maybe work okay anyway, but this puts things on a firmer foundation. The "secured" definition is deliberately left referencing Rules only, as a contract doesn't have power. I considered amending the third paragraph of rule 2698 (Recordkeepors), but contracts have plenty of flexibility to impose any desired reporting requirements for their switches (or to leave them untracked).] Amend rule 2162 (Switches) by making the following replacements, in order: 1) Replace: A type of switch is a property that the rules define as a switch, and specify the following: with: A type of switch is a property that a rule or a contract defines as a switch (with such rule or contract being its backing document) and specifies the following: 2) Replace: If a type of switch is not explicitly designated as possibly-indeterminate by the rule that defines it, and if an action or set of actions would cause the value of an instance of that type of switch to become indeterminate, that instance instead takes on its last determinate and possible value, if any, otherwise it takes on its default value. with: If a type of switch is not explicitly designated as possibly-indeterminate by its backing document, and if an action or set of actions would cause the value of an instance of that type of switch to become indeterminate, that instance instead takes on its last determinate and possible value, if any, otherwise it takes on its default value. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 9206 Title: Let Contracts Own Stamps Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Mischief Co-authors: Amend rule 2659 (Stamps) by replacing: Stamps are a category of asset ownable by players. with: Stamps are a category of asset ownable by players and contracts. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 9208 Title: Destroy the Office Adoption index: 1.0 Author: 4st Co-authors: Amend Crystals (Rule 2685) by replacing: "The Geologist is a sortitioned office that tracks crystals." with: "Crystals are untracked." and replacing: "Once a quarter, the Geologist CAN (and SHALL during its first Eastman week) publish a Notice of Crystal Growth, upon which each crystal whose identity is not equal to the ID of any rule in the current ruleset has its size increased by 3." with: "At the beginning of each quarter, all crystals whose identity is not equal to the ID of any rule in the current ruleset has its size increased by 3." If this proposal is democratic, repeal Crystals (Rule 2685). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////