Ribbons (Rule 2438) are more or less a set of achievements. They last indefinitely, even past deregistration, and you can turn in a full set for a win.

Festivals (Rules 2480 and 2481), Agora’s defense mechanism against griefers seeking to break the game indefinitely, is also keyed to Ribbons (whose collectors are assumed to be uninterested in such breakage):

  • Laudability tracks the highest Ribbon count you’ve ever had.
  • A group of five Laudable players can start a Festival lasting up to two weeks, during which more specific defenses can be proposed and adopted.
  • During a Festival, insufficiently Laudable players have nerfed voting strength and can’t support tabled actions.

Ribbons currently owned

See the Tailor’s web site.

Types of ribbons and how to gain them

Color Abbreviation Method
Red          R Successfully propose a rule change at Power 3 or higher
Orange       O Your proposal is unanimously adopted
Green        G Hold an elected office for 30 days, without Tardiness
Emerald      E Win an election
Cyan         C Deputise or delegate for an office
Blue         B Judge a CFJ within the time limit
Magenta      M Claim on Agora’s Birthday
Ultraviolet  U Become Champion not by Renaissance (usually by winning the game)
Violet       V Receive a Patent Title (other than Champion or a degree)
Indigo       I Receive a degree
Platinum     P Be the Speaker of Agora
Lime         L Co-author three adopted proposals within 7 days
White        W Never own a White Ribbon before; or, receive from someone who has never gifted a White Ribbon before
Black        K N/A; only possible by proposal or scam
Gray         A Awarded monthly by the Tailor
Transparent  T Receive or qualify for 5 Ribbons within 7 days