
Copyright Policy

Last amended: July 16, 2018

New Acquisitions

All new acquisitions submitted to the library must be licensed to the library in perpetuity for redistribution, sublicensing, and modification with attribution. However, broader and more permissive licenses are preferred.

Some new acquisitions are added to the library, through internal processes. These acquisitions will not necessarily be licensed and will be used by the library with attribution under the customs of the Agoran community. However, the library would appreciate if the creators of added materials license their materials to the library in perpetuity for redistribution, sublicensing, and modification with attribution or more broadly.

Current Collections

Documents in the current collections are primarily used with attribution under the customs of the Agoran community. If you are the creator of a document in the library, it would be appreciated if you licensed it to the library in perpetuity for redistribution, sublicensing, and modification with attribution or more broadly. However, if you are the creator of a document in the library and would like it to be removed, please contact the current Herald.