RESOLUTION OF PROPOSALS 9053-9057 ================================= THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED REPORT. SOME INFORMATION MAY DIFFER FROM THE HISTORICAL REPORT. THE ASSESSMENT SENT TO THE PUBLIC FORUM IS THE DEFINITIVE SOURCE OF HISTORICAL INFORMATION. The official historical report is located at ID Title Result -------------------------------- 9053 (none) REJECTED 9054 Agoran Christmas REJECTED 9055 Radiance Day ADOPTED 9056 Vacations REJECTED 9057 Vacations v2 REJECTED I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals. The quorum for all below decisions was 3. VOTING STRENGTHS ================ Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted. #: player has voting strength 3 $: player has voting strength 4 %: player has voting strength 5 ^: player has voting strength 6 PROPOSALS ========= PROPOSAL 9053 ((none)) AUTHOR: Jimmy CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (2): 4st$, snail^ AGAINST (3): Janet^, Murphy%, kiako PRESENT (2): Mercury, nix BALLOTS: 7 AI (F/A): 10/14 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: -0.143 OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 9054 (Agoran Christmas) AUTHOR: 4st CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (1): 4st$ AGAINST (6): Janet^, Mercury, Murphy%, kiako, nix, snail^ PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 7 AI (F/A): 4/26 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: -0.714 OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 9055 (Radiance Day) AUTHOR: Maloney CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (4): 4st$, Mercury, Murphy%, snail^ AGAINST (1): Janet^ PRESENT (2): kiako, nix BALLOTS: 7 AI (F/A): 18/6 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 0.429 OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ Murphy: snail is the Illuminator: Endorsement of snail ] PROPOSAL 9056 (Vacations) AUTHOR: nix CLASS: DEMOCRATIC FOR (4): 4st, Janet, kiako, nix AGAINST (3): Mercury, Murphy, snail PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 7 AI (F/A): 12/9 (AI=3.0) POPULARITY: 0.143 OUTCOME: REJECTED [ Janet: Endorsement of nix kiako: Conditional resolved: Proposal 9057 is not to be adopted ] PROPOSAL 9057 (Vacations v2) AUTHOR: snail CLASS: DEMOCRATIC FOR (5): 4st, Mercury, Murphy, kiako, snail AGAINST (2): Janet, nix PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 7 AI (F/A): 15/6 (AI=3.0) POPULARITY: 0.429 OUTCOME: REJECTED [ Janet: Endorsement of nix ] The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 9055 Title: Radiance Day Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Maloney Co-authors: Enact the following: February 29 is a Holiday known as Radiance Day. At 00:00 UTC on Radiance Day, all players are awarded 10 Radiance. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////