RESOLUTION OF PROPOSALS 8863-8865 ================================= THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED REPORT. SOME INFORMATION MAY DIFFER FROM THE HISTORICAL REPORT. THE ASSESSMENT SENT TO THE PUBLIC FORUM IS THE DEFINITIVE SOURCE OF HISTORICAL INFORMATION. The official historical report is located at ID Title Result --------------------------------- 8863 Exiting REM ADOPTED 8864 Pronoun Correction ADOPTED 8865 Stone Fixes ADOPTED I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals. The quorum for all below decisions was 3. VOTING STRENGTHS ================ Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted. ^: player has voting strength 6 PROPOSALS ========= PROPOSAL 8863 (Exiting REM) AUTHOR: Janet CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (4): Janet^, juan, nix, snail^ AGAINST (0): PRESENT (1): Murphy BALLOTS: 5 AI (F/A): 18/0 (AI=2.0) POPULARITY: 0.800 OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 8864 (Pronoun Correction) AUTHOR: ziproot CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (5): Janet^, Murphy, juan, nix, snail^ AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 5 AI (F/A): 21/0 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 1.000 OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 8865 (Stone Fixes) AUTHOR: nix CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (3): Janet^, nix, snail^ AGAINST (0): PRESENT (2): Murphy, juan BALLOTS: 5 AI (F/A): 15/0 (AI=2.0) POPULARITY: 0.600 OUTCOME: ADOPTED The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8863 Title: Exiting REM Adoption index: 2.0 Author: Janet Co-authors: Amend Rule 2675 by replacing with "Eir Voting Strength is 2 greater." with "Eir voting strength is increased by 2 for referenda on ordinary proposals." ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8864 Title: Pronoun Correction Adoption index: 1.0 Author: ziproot Co-authors: Amend Rule 2672 by replacing "Each player CAN take one of the following actions (weekly race actions) if they have not already taken one this week" with "Each player CAN take one of the following actions (weekly race actions) if e has not already taken one this week" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8865 Title: Stone Fixes Adoption index: 2.0 Author: nix Co-authors: G., ais523, Janet, ziproot Amend R2645, The Stones, by removing the bullet point that includes "Tasty Stone"; and removing the bullet point that includes "Wealth Stone"; and replacing: A specified player (defaulting to the wielder if not specified) hereby Buys Strength 3 times. with: A specified player (defaulting to the wielder if not specified) is Power Stoned; Power Stoning is secured. A player's voting strength on a referendum on an ordinary proposal is increased by 3 for each time that e was Power Stoned during the referendum's voting period. and adding, to the end of the rule: - Score Stone (Weekly, 3): A specified player's (defaulting to the wielder if not specified) Score is increased by 3. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////