RESOLUTION OF PROPOSALS 8682 ============================ THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED REPORT. SOME INFORMATION MAY DIFFER FROM THE HISTORICAL REPORT. THE ASSESSMENT SENT TO THE PUBLIC FORUM IS THE DEFINITIVE SOURCE OF HISTORICAL INFORMATION. The official historical report is located at ID Title Result ------------------------- 8682 Temptation ADOPTED I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals. The quorum for all below decisions was 4. The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.143): 8682 (by snail). PROPOSALS ========= PROPOSAL 8682 (Temptation) AUTHOR: snail CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (3): Madrid, Murphy, snail AGAINST (2): G., ais523 PRESENT (2): Janet, juan BALLOTS: 7 AI (F/A): 9/6 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: 0.143 OUTCOME: ADOPTED The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8682 Title: Temptation Adoption index: 1.0 Author: snail Co-authors: Enact a new rule, with the title "Succumbing to Time" and the following text: Once per month, a player CAN Succumb by announcement. When a player Succumbs, each of eir deadlines to perform an Officer's duty or judge a Call for Judgement is extended by 1 day if it would otherwise expire within the next week. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////